Shadows & Ceremonies: Paintings
A series of 36 pencil drawings & 30 oil paintings
celebrating masked African & New Guinea tribal
ceremonial dancers and portraits of the faces behind
the masks. (2001)
By the 1880's, the myths,
the ceremonies, the cultures, the realities of the
American indigenous people were all but a shadow of
themselves to be lost forever in the memories of
time. This sad twilight of a culture that was and
now is no more is now upon us again in the central
African continent. What was a vital part of our
collective past, a mirroring of what was once our
own collective history, will soon be gone. And, like
all great wonders, it will soon live only as a part
of the collective myth. Tragically this is happening
only one hundred twenty years after the other great
loss. What took hundreds of thousands of years to
evolve, can now, and does, pass in a lifetime of one
generation. And, so, we the living must witness the
loss, this acceleration of tragedy, and we the
survivors can only despair for our loss, to this
human connection to our mother, the Earth, and the
past that will be no more.
Fang Dancer
Biambo Seer-Zaire
Dogon Mask Dancer
Maasai Virgin
Warrior's Icon
Yam Fetish Dancer
Anorgoram Mask Dancer
Baule Mask Dancer
Guru Dancer
The Sentinel - Congo
Elema Spirit Mask Dancer
Raramunggua Wagun Mask Dancer
Bambara Spirit Dancer
Forest Spirit
Mask Dancer of Papua New Guinea
Crocodile Mask Dancer
Bambaua Warrior